Portuguese VAT is charged on the transactions which are deemed to be supplied in Portuguese territory. The Law provides rules for determining the place where the various transactions are deemed to take place.
- In the case of supplies of goods, the general rule is that the goods are deemed to be supplied in the Portuguese territory if handed over to the recipient in Portugal, unless goods are transported from another EU Member State in which case the supply will be deemed to be made in the place where the transportation commences. Other exceptions to the general rule may apply.
- In the case of supply of services, the general rule is that services will be deemed to be supplied at the recipient’s place of business or permanent establishment, where the recipient is a trader or professional (B2B). However, if the recipient is a final consumer, the services will be deemed to be supplied at the supplier’s place of business (B2C). Several exceptions may apply to the B2B and B2C general rule such as for services involving real estate (taxable where the real estate is located), restaurant and catering services (taxable where services are performed), passenger transport (taxable where the transport services are performed), cultural, artistic, sports, scientific, educational and entertainment services (taxable where activities are physically carried out).
- In the case of services rendered to customers established outside the EU, those services are taxable where the customer is established when they relate, amongst others, to transfer of licenses and similar rights, advertising and consulting services, banking and insurance services, supply of staff, hiring out of movable property, telecommunications, radio and television broadcast services and services performed electronically.